Issue Position: Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Taxes

We do not need higher taxes. Let me be crystal clear on this issue - I am opposed to higher taxes. A few months back I was reading something about how much the republican leadership had cut from the state budgets over the last few years, nearly $1 Billion. I was impressed. I was thrilled and appreciative and then I got angry -- why were we spending that money in the first place. I've known people who went bankrupt and in most of those circumstances is was always the spending that closed the doors. My first question when it comes to spending is: "Do we need it?" My second question is: "when the recession comes again, can we cut it?" You see where I'm going. Just because we have the money doesn't mean we have to spend it. Now don't get me wrong, there are areas where we need more spending; jails, public safety, health care and education. I agree we need more revenue in some areas but we don't need higher taxes. Did you know that government can get a tax increase without increasing taxes? We don't need a tax increase, we need more jobs. You see all of our taxes are percentage based, so the more money we make the more we pay. The more our property is worth, the more taxes we pay. If the people of Alabama start making more money, by the virtue of percentages, we will pay more taxes. We don't need a tax increase, we need more jobs.
