Issue Position: Ensuring Access to Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

"Healthcare is a multi-billion dollar industry in Alabama, responsible for tens of thousands of job. But more importantly than that is the fact that we all place our lives in the hands of those in the healthcare system. It is important to ensure that everyone have access to quality, affordable healthcare. As Chairman of the Senate Health Committee, I've made it my duty to ensure the people of my district and our state have the healthcare they deserve." -- Sen. Greg Reed

Senator Greg Reed has been involved in the arena of healthcare for over twenty years. Upon his election to the state senate nearly four years ago, the Republican state senate leadership made Greg the chairman of the Senate Health Committee, which is charged with making policy and law involving everything healthcare-related within the state.

Since taking the chairmanship, Greg jumped right in and started pushing back against Obamacare and reforming Alabama's Medicaid system. He sees that a one-size-fits-all federal solution to healthcare is not the answer, especially when it skyrockets costs and reduces patient choices. What President Obama did in passing the egregious "Affordable Care Act" was completely opposite of what he promised. Greg believes that was really makes healthcare affordable and accessible is the free market -- when you can choose your doctor, your insurance company and your course of treatment because it's your health. Competition creates the best options for patients, and that's why Greg has pushed for legislation to empower the patient, not the government.

Greg also saw the dire budgetary situation of the state's Medicaid program, and decided to do something about it for the sake of the taxpayers and for the recipients of this crucial program. In 2008, Medicaid received 25% of all General Fund Budget dollars. Last year, Medicaid consumed 35% of the shrinking General Fund. Greg worked with the Governor's office and hundreds of other stakeholders to reform Medicaid into a regional care system. Greg focused on these reforms considering patients, providers and the taxpayers of Alabama. As a result of his legislation, patients, especially in rural areas, will have higher quality care, providers will be able to utilize all the skills they have to manage that care, and the projected savings will be in the tens of millions of dollars.
