Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Larry Stutts will deliver JOBS……

Jobs and job growth are very important to District 6. Lately, it seems more businesses have been closing than prospering, affecting the lives of all citizens. Larry promises to work with District 6 economic and business leaders to attract new job opportunities and to have a pro-growth economic environment. Citizens of District 6 want government policies that make it easier to create jobs. Once new opportunities are available, Larry believes in letting the free enterprise system work--getting the government off the backs of the business owners.

Larry will fight for the opportunity for all to better their circumstances. His own life experiences allow him to understand that everyone deserves the opportunity to get ahead in life with hard-work and determination.

As a small business owner of a medical practice, Larry understands the need for a level playing field with taxes and regulations to help both small and large businesses succeed. He will work to promote the creation of a pro-business environment all across Alabama. Safeguarding our future by not raising taxes and decreasing government regulations are top priorities for him.

Agriculture, where Larry is personally involved, is a major economic part of District 6. He has bought and sold cows since his high school days in Cherokee, AL. Today, he is still buying and selling cattle with fellow cattle owners. As a timber owner and cattle farmer, he understands the need to fight against unwarranted and excessive environmental regulations that create unnecessary hardships for Alabama farmers.

Larry will fight to promote policies that will help in the effort to reduce the involvement of government in the agriculture sector. Alabama's row-crop and cattle farms, along with timber, are efficient and productive businesses that should provide opportunities for new jobs in District 6. Larry will advance tax reforms to reduce the burdens on Alabama agriculture businesses.

Larry is ready to take his common-sense principles to Montgomery so he can deliver jobs to the District 6 citizens.
