Issue Position: Family

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Family

I believe that the cornerstone of our nation and our state is the family. Without it, we cannot build a sustainable nation of free people and why I believe that we must do everything that we can to promote and support our families.
I believe the ideal environment for raising children is a two-parent family and will support policies that encourage a husband and wife to live in harmony in one home.
I also recognize that single parents often succeed and that two-parent families sometimes fail. I will continue to praise the efforts of single parents who work to provide stable homes.
My very first vote in the North Carolina House of Representatives was in favor of Senate Bill 514, the Defense of Marriage Act.
The legislation seeks to give voters in North Carolina an opportunity to add to the state Constitution an Amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. I am proud to have supported this measure.
Furthermore, I am unapologetically Pro-Life and do not support abortion as I believe it not only terminates a human life but denies that life the God-given rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
In my view, abortion interferes with our unalienable rights guaranteed by God.
However, being Pro-life must not end with birth; I believe in the protection of children from abuse and neglect and believe that government has a responsibility to balance parental rights with the protection of a child's health and safety.
