Issue Position: Two Lives at Stake

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Abortion

I am strongly pro-life. I have always been pro-life and have never wavered from that conviction. I believe that the life of the child begins with conception and he should be respected as a person.

Now I understand that there are rare circumstances where the mother's life may be endangered, and then a difficult decision must be made. But this is how these decisions need to be made by the family, namely, with the knowledge that there are two patients, two lives at stake and not only one.

Unfortunately, this is not the perspective of too many who wish to use abortion as a wedge to divide Americans. Against all scientific evidence, the pro-abortionist lobby denies the life of the child prior to birth and seeks to keep this evidence from women that their child is not simply a "clump of cells." They know that to inform women of the truth would make their argument fall apart, give them less power and make them a fringe group without influence.
