Issue Position: Political Position

Issue Position

I will continue to serve with your individual rights and best interests of families in mind by sponsoring and supporting legislation and policies that:
Defend the right to life and protect the unborn who cannot protect themselves;
Work to restore individual property rights and to protect those rights from every level of governmental encroachment;
Make it easier for entrepreneurs to start new businesses through elimination of unnecessary taxes and burdensome regulations;
Help our entrepreneurs and existing employers create quality jobs;
Focus on the importance of:
Reforming and improving the system that educates our young;
Encouraging parents to participate in their children's education; and, allowing parents to make the school choices that they believe will be most beneficial to their children;
Recognizing the value of teaching respect for the U.S. Constitution and Constitutional processes to our children, thus guaranteeing the survival of our Republic.
Political Position:
Pro-2nd Amendment
Pro-School choice
Pro-Free markets
