Issue Position: Wisconsin Industry

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Our area has many different industries; agriculture, manufacturing, Paper and logging to name a few. I would like to see these industries stay solvent and continue to grow and prosper. Often this may mean, less regulation and government interference. I will offer strong support to these industries so that they can remain strong and continue to be a positive reminder of what Wisconsin offers the country. Our next generation deserves the opportunities we have all had and I will do my part to make sure these industries are around for many generations to come. Many bills I have co-authored or voted on will help cut the red rate and give our industries needed breathing room to grow. In 2013 the legislature was tasked with "RIGHT THE RULES", to review outdated regulations to either update, or get work to take them off the books. We have passed many "Right the Rule" bills in 2013-14.
