Issue Position: Standing Strong for Baltimore Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Brooke and her husband Eben are committed to raising their family in Baltimore and sending their son to Baltimore City public schools. Brooke understands the challenges that Baltimore parents face and believes that safe, quality public schools are the foundation for attracting and keeping families in the City. Brooke will fight to ensure that all parents in District 46 have access to strong neighborhood elementary, middle, and high schools. She is dedicated to making sure that every public school in the district has the highest quality teachers and principals, and provides a safe learning environment for our children. Brooke understands the needs of working parents and the demands of modern family life. As a Delegate, she will advocate for expanded after-school and after-care enrichment programs, and will work to make high-quality, public pre-k and child care available to more children in District 46.

Brooke also understands the challenges that parents face in securing high-quality, affordable child care. She will work with parents, regulators, and City officials to (1) increase Child Care Subsidy payments for working families (currently many Maryland families are on a waiting list to receive help), and (2) identify and eliminate barriers to starting new child care facilities in Baltimore and around the State. Creating high-quality child-care provides jobs, starts our children on a solid path from their first days, and enables parents to return to the workforce confident that their children are being cared for. It must be a priority for Maryland, and Brooke will fight to keep attention focused on this critical need.
