Issue Position: Free and Fair Elections

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Elections

I strongly support reform to create a non-partisan redistricting process in Wisconsin. Anyone looking at the district lines right here in the 45th district can tell that Republicans in Madison were more concerned with playing politics than drawing districts that make sense for local communities. I support reform to keep partisan politics out of the redistricting process, and I'll continue to support that reform even if my own party is in the majority in Madison. Several states, such as neighboring Iowa, have recently shifted to various forms of non-partisan commissions and found those efforts successful. There is no reason Wisconsin cannot or should not do the same. Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.

I also support efforts to increase access to voting and participation in elections, including protecting same-day registration and in-person absentee (early) voting. I oppose the voter photo-ID law that is currently working its way through the courts because there is no evidence of a voter fraud problem that would be solved by this law, and because it would disenfranchise many eligible voters, especially seniors, people of color, working families, and students. I believe that increased political participation will lead to healthier politics and better government, and the right to vote is sacred in a democratic society.
