Issue Position: General

Issue Position

I'd like your support in moving Missouri forward, with more jobs, lower taxes, less government spending, and a pro-life/pro-second amendment agenda.

First, I'm a business owner. I see first-hand the challenges that small businesses are facing today, and I know that we need less governmental interference and lower taxes to keep small business alive and growing. Lower taxes are the key to maintaining the businesses we already have, as well as attracting new ones, to provide jobs for the people of our State.
Second, I believe that education is the best route to a secure future for our children. We must place our trust in parents and teachers, not bureaucrats, to fully fund our education systems and our childrens' futures. Without education, we have no hope of competing in a world where technology and innovation have become the rule, not the exception. To keep Missouri strong, we must invest in our kids.
Third, the sanctity of life is a sacred trust. I am pro-life and I will be an advocate for the most defenseless: the unborn.
Fourth, I believe that every citizen has the right to bear arms, and that right must not be infringed. I will help defend the 2nd Amendment from those who would seek to destroy it.
