Issue Position: Pro-Life and Pro-Family

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Abortion Marriage

The most important things in life are those closest to home: our faith, family, and friends, our churches and community organizations. It is those things that set Americans apart from the rest of the world and make us strong, not the size of our government. As a conservative, I recognize that strong families and communities are the starting place for self-government and the counterweight to so-called progressives who tell us that "Government is the only thing we all belong to." Most importantly, I recognize that there is no government program more effective in raising a child to succeed and become a good citizen than a strong and loving father married to a strong and loving mother. Consequently, I will fight for policies that support, and do not undermine, marriage and family. Also, as someone who is pro-life, I will advocate for a culture of life that treats every human being with compassion, including the unborn.
