Issue Position: Restore State Funding

Issue Position

Restore state funding to local communities to maintain safe neighborhoods and fix local roads

Lansing leaders have consistently stripped the funding to cities, villages and townships that impact the quality of life in our local communities. Jeremy has taken a leading role as a local elected official to fight against these cuts in order to maintain safe neighborhoods and fix local roads.

He introduced a Southfield City Council resolution -- unanimously supported by his colleagues -- that called on state leaders to fix Michigan's broken municipal finance system. It was a response to Governor Snyder touting around a state budget surplus but Michigan residents shouldn't be fooled. That surplus resulted from slashing $6 billion in the last decade to local communities - money that was used to fund local police and fire services, road maintenance and snow plowing. [more information]

As a City Councilman, Jeremy earned a record of working to balance consecutive city budgets without layoffs or compromising public safety, despite state funding streaming to Southfield at 35 percent below the 2001-2002 levels. State shared revenue is the city's second largest general fund revenue source.

He'll make sure that the money that should be going to local communities isn't being used to plug holes in the state budget.
