Issue Position: Real Fiscal Responsibility

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

I know that real fiscal responsibility isn't easy. It's much more than a catch-phrase, it's a deep-rooted commitment to balancing budgets and living within one's means. As a corporate defense attorney for 25 years, I've worked for businesses that care deeply about their bottom line. I know what it means to follow a budget.

I, like Utah families, understand that real fiscal responsibility requires discipline. It demands a dedicated effort and difficult choices. I believe in transparency and accountability. Government must be held accountable to the people. It's time to put party politics and catch-phrases aside and get serious about protecting our children's future.

I will fight for real fiscal responsibility in Congress. I will:

* Eliminate or reduce wasteful government programs
* Fight deficit spending
* Work across party lines to pass meaningful budget reform
* Oppose pay raises for Members of Congress
* Support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution
* Oppose extreme partisan tactics, like last year's government shutdown, that waste tax dollars and hurt Utah families
