Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Building a better Maryland for more Marylanders starts by ensuring that every Marylander who wants to work can find a good-paying, family-supporting job.

Over the past eight years, we've made progress in that effort. Even as we weathered the greatest economic recession since the Great Depression, we've driven down unemployment to over a full point below the national average, retained our AAA bond rating, and recovered jobs lost during the recession at twice the rate of every state in the Mid-Atlantic.

We've also taken important steps towards leveling the playing field: raising the minimum wage, expanding early education to more of Maryland's children, and leading the nation in college affordability.

As a state, we have the resources that provide a strong foundation for this effort. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks our economy #1 for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and we continue to have the smartest, most educated, and best trained workforce in the country. And our State's high quality of life -- safe and strong communities, a clean environment, and some of the best public schools in the nation -- make Maryland a great place to live, work, raise a family, and start a business.

Maryland has a dynamic and diverse economy. We're home to a number of strong and growing industries, from agriculture and tourism to cybersecurity, communications and defense, to biotechnology and life sciences. Through innovative programs such as Invest Maryland, EARN and the Maryland Innovation Initiative, we've enhanced our strengths so that Maryland continues to be an attractive place to run or start a business, and the private sector continues to create the jobs of tomorrow.

But there's more work to do, and we won't rest until every Marylander has the opportunity to support their family with a good-paying job. To make that a reality, we need a plan.

The Brown-Ulman 5-point plan will create jobs, spur economic growth and strengthen our business climate. Together, we're going to help more Marylanders realize the American Dream: to get a job and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

We need a plan that encourages the public and private sectors to work in partnership. While the vast majority of jobs created in America and Maryland are private sector jobs, the public sector has an important role in creating the right economic environment to encourage employers to make job-creating investments in Maryland. We need a plan that will position Maryland as the state with the most competitive business climate in the nation.

Our Plan: 1) build strong and reliable infrastructure; 2) prepare Marylanders for in-demand jobs; 3) grow our small and entrepreneurial business community; 4) create a more responsive, transparent and accountable state government; and 5) pursue comprehensive tax reform.

And by working together, we're going to ensure that Maryland is a great state to do business.

