Issue Position: Healthy Families and Healthy Communities

Issue Position

Health is not limited to physical health, but also well-being. When families and communities are healthy and have the tools, support and resources to be healthy, they thrive. When individuals are healthy, they can work and attend school. When people can work and go to school, they earn more (in both the short term and the long term), and when people earn more, they are able to contribute more and take pride in their communities in both small and large ways.

Support improving family health with access to tools, information and support for all families to have paid sick leave regardless of industry
Improve pre-natal, infant and early childhood health including providing better maternity/paternity/adoption leave and education on the benefits of breastfeeding and the destigmatization of nursing mothers.
Improve senior health and access to information, tools and support for seniors and their families/caregivers.
Improved, realistic teen-pregnancy information and prevention.
Support using schools as family community centers, to not only educate students, but also provide the wrap-around and support services that parents, families and communities need to thrive.
Address and restrict environmental and industrial hazards that affect the health and well-being of citizens.
Address Welfare so that it is a life line only, not a lifestyle and work to reduce legacies of Welfare and poverty with improved job training and life skills.
Ensure that returning Veterans are reintegrated into our communities and have the support they and their families need.
