Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Let's make all Michigan students competitive with their peers across the country, Michigan schools national role models and Michigan a place where learning doesn't end just because one has earned a diploma.

Work to Improve preK-12 public funding.
Use data-driven information to preserve parental education choices and improve them without sacrificing public education.
Work with school districts to help them put viable, "SMART" goals in place in order to avoid closing and damaging communities.
Improve preK-12 school schedules to be better aligned with family needs and recent research in child development and neuroscience.
Improve college and workplace readiness for all students and opportunities for life-long learning/education for those already in the workforce across industries and disciplines.
Continued focused attention on reducing the drop-out rate.
Examine focusing on STEAM education, not just STEM education and allow schools and districts to implement using different teaching and learning models in order to set students up for success instead of setting them up for failure because not all students learn the same way.
