Recommending that the House Find Lois G. Lerner in Contempt of Congress

Floor Speech

Date: May 7, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LUMMIS. Mr. Speaker, I contend that, in the interest of protecting the constitutional rights of the hardworking taxpayers of this country from the behavior of the IRS, from Lois Lerner--herself a lawyer--who understands that you can waive your right to remain silent as to matters to which you chose to testify, and that she did that. She said: I have done nothing wrong, I have broken no laws.

Subsequently, we find out that she blamed the IRS employees in Cincinnati for wrongdoing that was going on here in Washington, D.C., that she was targeting conservative groups and only conservative groups, thereby violating their First Amendment constitutional rights.

The Oversight Committee needs to find the truth, and to that end, we need answers from Lois Lerner. The committee has sought these answers for more than a year. Lerner's refusal to truthfully answer these questions posed by the committee cannot be tolerated. I urge a ``yes'' vote and, following that, swift action by the Justice Department to ensure that Lois Lerner provides answers on exactly what the IRS was up to.

