West Virginians Can Support Tsunami Victims Online

Date: Jan. 7, 2005
Location: unknown

West Virginians Can Support Tsunami Victims Online

Up-to-date Information Available @ http://capito.house.gov

The massive loss of life and the damage that the people of Asia have suffered is unbelievable. West Virginians know all too well how natural disasters like floods can bring terrible destruction overnight.

Some of the very first to respond to the crisis were over 13,000 members of the U.S. Military on over 20 ships at sea, aboard some 90 different cargo planes and helicopters bringing over a half of a million pounds of food and water and ten-thousand pounds of medical supplies to aid victims. This was just the beginning of Americas response.

Soon individuals from across the country began generously donating money to support relief efforts. What makes me so proud of West Virginia is the decency of our people. West Virginians are always willing to help a neighbor in need, and thats why I want everyone to know about the USA Freedom Corps.

The USA Freedom Corps website is facilitating tsunami relief efforts by helping people contribute to the humanitarian organizations conducting relief operations in Asia. West Virginians wishing to support victims of the recent Asian Tsunami can visit USA Freedom Corps online at www.usafreedomcorps.gov where contributions can be made to over seventy humanitarian organizations providing relief.

On my website located at http://capito.house.gov you can find the latest information on the crisis from USAID and the U.S. Department of State. On these sites you can also find information on how to locate Americans who could possibly be in the region.

Just after beginning its new session, the U.S. House took an important step by passing a resolution that recognizes the devastation and grief wrought by the recent Asian Tsunami. This resolution pledges continuing aid by the United States. In the coming months, Congress is expected to take up and pass a legislation to ensure calls for help are answered and every penny of funding reaches those who need it most.

