Lois Lerner Case Referred to Department of Justice

Press Release

Date: April 9, 2014

Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE), along with colleagues on the Committee on Ways and Means, turned over evidence of criminal acts by former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner to the U.S. Department of Justice for possible prosecution. Lerner previously served as Director of the Exempt Organizations Division which is being investigated for the targeting of political groups because of their beliefs.

"Abuse of the tax code for political purposes undermines our founding principles of free speech and equality under the law," said Congressman Smith. "The documents we are turning over today clearly indicate the inappropriate targeting of conservative organizations by the IRS."

Congressman Smith is a member of the Committee on Ways and Means which has jurisdiction over tax policy, including the IRS, among other issues. The Committee, along with the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has led the House investigation into political targeting by the IRS.
