Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States - Investigate Potential Voting Rights Infringements in Greene County Bingo Raids


Date: April 4, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Attorney General Holder:

In light of the recent March 31 raids of four bingo halls in Greene County, Alabama, I am writing to renew my appeal dated June 21, 2011 requesting that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate potential voting rights infringements carried out by the State of Alabama. As you will recall, the issue is that the citizens of Greene County in 2003 overwhelmingly voted in favor of state constitutional amendment 743 to authorize electronic bingo in the County. Through a series of Alabama Supreme Court cases the rights of the citizens of Greene County have been systematically nullified. While the DOJ did not find cause to intervene after the June 2011 raids, I believe the recent raids warrant a reexamination by the Department of Justice. The people of Greene County have been repeatedly targeted by the State in politically motivated raids in violation of their constitutional rights.

On Monday, March 31, 2014, Alabama State Troopers under orders of Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange raided four bingo halls in Greene County, Alabama resulting in the loss of more than 1,000 jobs county-wide. Since the raids of two Greene County bingo halls in June 2011, owners of the facilities have been compliant with state law by purchasing and installing lawful bingo machines. As representative of Alabama's 7th Congressional District, I share the concerns of the citizens of Greene County that the raids are politically motivated and that the voting rights of the people of Greene County have been systematically ignored by the State of Alabama.

On behalf of the citizens of Greene County, Alabama, I am writing to renew my request that the US Department of Justice reexamine potential voting rights infringements in Greene County. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and I look forward to your response. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at 202.225.2665.


Terri A. Sewell

Member of Congress
