Rep. Ellison Statement on Met Council Vote on SWLRT


Date: April 9, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement today after the Metropolitan Council voted to approve the Kenilworth route for the Southwest light rail line (SWLRT).

"I want to congratulate and thank the Met Council members for taking this tough vote. To govern is to choose, and the Met Council has chosen to move our region forward. No route for the Southwest line is perfect, but we must not allow this important infrastructure investment to stagnate because different groups of Minnesotans hold different views. The Southwest line is good for Minnesota, and I hope all cities along the line will give municipal consent to start the project.

"Here's what's at stake: $800 million in federal funding, $330 million in wages for working Minnesotans, and a 32% minority hiring goal for the entire project. Once the line is built, it will connect Minnesotans to jobs and recreation.

"I've never taken a stance on which route is best because route siting is a local prerogative. However, now that the Met Council has chosen a route, after giving due consideration to various options, I support the Met Council's decision and urge others to support the decision as well. I also support efforts to mitigate challenges local communities along the line may face, and I certainly support efforts to negotiate agreements to ensure equity as the project is built and operated. At the end of the day, however, I believe we must build this line if we want to grow our economy, reduce carbon pollution, and increase equity.

"Many other cities are waiting for the opportunity we have in front of us today. We can't miss this chance. It's time to build the Southwest line."
