Statement of Senator Coons on Supreme Court Decision on Limits on Political Donations

Press Release

Date: April 2, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement Wednesday after the Supreme Court ruled that aggregate biennial limits on money an individual can give political campaigns and political action committees are unconstitutional. Such limits capped the total amount an individual can give per cycle at $123,200, including $48,600 to individual candidates.

"America's political system is broken. Gerrymandering and draconian election laws are systematically drowning out the voices of Americans at the same time that reckless Supreme Court decisions are radically expanding the political influence of the wealthiest Americans. Our political system is moving in an alarming direction, propelled by the significant increase in money being dumped into it. Today's Supreme Court decision will allow the wealthiest Americans, and the corporations they frequently represent, to play an even greater role in our democracy. One step at a time, the Supreme Court is openly and explicitly dismantling Congressional efforts to limit the influence of money in the political process, and I am concerned that it won't stop until there are no limits on money in politics. I am deeply disappointed by today's decision and intend to work with my colleagues to explore what protections may be restored through legislative action."

Senator Coons has cosponsored a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling in the Citizens United case, and has voted repeatedly for legislation to help counter the flood of unlimited secret money in elections unleashed by the decision.
