Issue Position: Gun Control

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Jason knows that even though Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country, too many of our communities are still plagued with gun violence. We can and must do more to prevent this violence and make our communities safer.

A blue ribbon task force just recently released a report that outlined 44 recommendations to reduce gun violence. Jason would support many of them, including: better defined and more consistent suitability standards for the issuance of a firearms licenses; all sales of guns should be through licensed dealers; firearms safety courses should be strengthened and require a live fire component; and Massachusetts should be in compliance with the National Instant Background Check System.

Jason believes we should give the Secretary of Public Safety the ability to add copycat weapons to the list of already banned assault weapons in Massachusetts.

Beyond these measures to strengthen our existing gun control laws, we need to focus more attention and resources on the root causes of violence in our communities: mental health and substance abuse, poverty, income inequality and lack of opportunity. Investments in education, healthcare, job training, and stronger communities is how we will reduce gun violence over the longer-term.
