Issue Position: Social Issues

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Social Issues
I opposed and would have voted against the recent same-sex marriage bill. The relationships that people form are their own business; the State has no compelling interest in how we live our lives. However, placing the State's imprimatur on relationships centered on adult satisfaction and romantic love by calling it marriage is the apotheosis of the "Me Generation" mentality which marched under the banner that read "If it feels good, do it."

If marriage can be defined as nothing more an emotional bond, then those in any form of relationship, such as polyamory, can claim that their relationship deserves the State's recognition as marriage.

Those who voted for same-sex marriage have lost whatever principled objections they may have to those living in other types of relationships from claiming that they have been denied equal protection under the law.

I applaud the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of Illinois' 1995 parental notification law. It's said that justice delayed is justice denied. Tragically, justice was permanently denied for the children of the almost 68,000 girls under age 18 who had abortions since the law was first passed.

I am pro-life, and support those who make it their mission to speak on behalf of the unborn. Laws such as that which was recently passed in Texas are a significant step toward protecting the lives of both women and their babies.

The common theme of the pro-abortion side is that we must expand access to abortions so that they should be "safe, legal and rare". I have but two words in response: Kermit Gosnell.

Gun Rights
I support concealed-carry. After all, criminals have practiced concealed carry since before the days of Al Capone. Honest citizens must have the same rights.

States with concealed-carry have consistently seen a decrease in gun violence. This is not a coincidence, and there's every reason to believe the same will hold true in Illinois. As the new law recently passed over the Governor's veto is implemented, its implementation needs to be monitored so as to protect every citizen's right to self-defense. There will be efforts to backslide on the new law, those who wish to erode gun rights will not rest. It will be my job to see that those rights are maintained and strengthened.
