Issue Position: Committed to Fighting for Our Conservative Values

Issue Position

A lifelong Republican, John's conservative platform calls for:

*Lower taxes and limited government

*Balancing the state budget by cutting wasteful spending -- NOT raising taxes

*Requiring a valid Texas Photo ID to vote

*Blocking the implementation of Obamacare

Passing stronger border security measures including:
*Citizenship background checks on all Texas jail inmates
*Banning "Sanctuary City" policies
*Tougher penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens
*No amnesty for illegal aliens

*Strengthening our state's pro-life laws

*Defending our 2nd amendment rights

*Protecting private property owners by passing true eminent domain reform

*The protection of states' rights against federal government intrusion

*Maintaining quality public schools

*Protecting local water sources

*Supporting Texas family values including prayer and the pledge in schools
