Issue Position: State Sovereignty

Issue Position

By: Bob Hall
By: Bob Hall
Date: Jan. 1, 2014

US Constitutional attorney and scholar KrisAnne Hall states, "The founding documents and the men who wrote them make it unequivocally clear that the States have the final word on whether their creation, the federal government, has trespassed its clearly defined boundaries. AND IT HAS. Our States are "United" in a compact, the Constitution. The States' compact created the federal government and dictated its limited and specific powers. As the creators of the federal government that means the States are the masters of their creation. The 10th Amendment makes that very clear. The Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the Federal government have collectively torn through the boundaries set by the Constitution. The people have no recourse in the federal system, and must now turn to their States. The Framers considered it the duty of the States to stand against EVERY unconstitutional law created or enforced by the federal government. "
