Branstad, Reynolds Issue Statements On 2014 RFS Requirements


Date: Nov. 15, 2013
Location: Des Moines, IA
Issues: Energy

Gov. Terry E. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today vowed to join agricultural groups, family farmers and all Iowans in fighting for renewable fuels in light of the misguided and dumbfounding decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to lower the volumes of renewable fuels utilized on America's streets and highways.

"Why the Obama administration would side with the big oil companies over Iowa's homegrown renewable fuels is baffling," said Branstad. "The EPA has turned its back on rural America, and our economy and family farms will suffer as a result. Corn prices have already dropped to the cost of production, and this will likely further squeeze corn producers and negatively impact income growth in rural America. We have more than 50 ethanol and biodiesel plants in Iowa, and these EPA reductions would negatively impact thousands of Iowa jobs. This debate isn't over. I will lock arms with our agricultural groups, our family farmers, leaders from both parties, and Iowans in fighting for Iowa's homegrown, reliable, and safe renewable fuels. I encourage Iowans to officially comment to the EPA."

"The Renewable Fuels Standard led to more consumer choice at the pump, widespread use of biofuels, less reliance on foreign oil, increased family incomes in rural America, and a commitment to reducing harmful emissions," said Reynolds. "Today's announcement undercuts the progress that has been made. This is the latest example of just how out of touch Washington, D.C. has become that big oil is rewarded for bad behavior."
