Ellison, Walz, Nolan, and Paulsen Applaud Passage of Provision to Stop the Spread of Invasive Carp

Press Release

Reps. Keith Ellison (MN-05), Tim Walz (MN-01), Rick Nolan (MN-08), and Erik Paulsen (MN-03) applauded the passage of legislation to stop the spread of invasive carp in Minnesota. The language was included in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2013, which was passed by the House of Representatives today.

The provision would direct the Army Corps of Engineers to close the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam if it is determined that the annual average amount of goods moving through the lock in the last five years is under 1.5 million tons per year. The legislation is a zero-cost, proactive approach to invasive carp prevention and management efforts in Minnesota. It will protect the state's vital fishing and recreational industry while saving government dollars that will go to carp management programs if these fish establish themselves beyond the St. Anthony Lock and Dam to invade northern Minnesotan waters. The language was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and was passed earlier this year. Also included is an amendment offered by Rep. Nolan that changes the authority for federal-state cost share programs to include efforts to eradicate "invasive aquatic species."

"The language included in this bill will make it harder for these non-native fish to spread to Northern Minnesota and provide protection for the recreational economy that is vital to our state," Rep. Ellison said. "Minnesota faces many more threats from invasive species and I hope this is the first of many bipartisan solutions that will preserve our natural resources."

"Minnesota is known for its pristine rivers and lakes that folks enjoy for family vacations or utilize to make a living. In this respect, Asian carp pose a serious threat to our quality of life," Rep. Walz said. "We must do everything we can to keep Minnesota waterways--one of our most valued state treasures--clean and secure. This bipartisan measure will go a long ways in doing just that, but the fight does not end here. We must continue to find ways to eradicate this invasive species completely and ensure our state treasures are preserved for generations to come."

"We simply cannot allow our beautiful land of 10,000 lakes to become the land of 10 billion Asian carp," Rep. Nolan said. "The passage of these amendments - effectively closing the Upper St. Anthony Lock and Dam, and immediately expanding the definition of invasive species to include all plant and animal life - is a major step toward protecting our northern Minnesota waters and our tourism-based economy, responsible for thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in business."

"Asian Carp continue to threaten Minnesota's waterways, jeopardizing the state's ecological and economic health," said Rep. Paulsen. "If this invasive species continues to travel upstream some of our most vital resources could be lost. It's time to give our state this important tool in stopping the further spread of carp into our lakes and rivers."
