Issue Position: On the Issues

Issue Position

Today, we are fighting to sustain the historic accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement. The most recent attack comes as a result of the Supreme Court overturning the heart of the Voter Rights Act Section 4, that determined which states must receive clearance from the Justice Department or Federal Court in Washington before minor changes to voting procedures like moving a polling place or major ones like redrawing electoral districts.

These practices were prevalent in 1965 to suppress and oppress blacks from exercising their right to vote. The success of Section 4 is evident in the plurality of African American registered voters and elected officials throughout the country. Recognizing that President Barak Obama has been elected to a second term with a plurality of both the popular and electoral vote. The law applied to (9) states Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and scores of other counties and municipalities.

In fact, it was less than 20 years ago, that Federal monitors were in counties of New Jersey because voter identification and voter oppression were prominent occurrences during elections. People were intimidated at the polls.

It was a direct result of courageous individuals, organizations and legislators who advocated for voter rights and voter access. We are challenged today to redefine the formula for determining discriminatory practices that are prevalent to create the relevance of Section 4. Some of the factors that must be considered are voter access which was part of the original formula, voter identification requirements, and voter fraud. These issues persist today. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg summarized her dissent and wrote, " for half a century a concerted effort has been made to end racial discrimination in voting. Thanks to the Voting Rights Act progress once the subject of a dream has been achieved and continues to be made. The court errs egregiously by overriding Congress decision."

All of us need to represent Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and push for action to restore Section 4 of the Voter Rights Act. Some action steps may include contacting my legislative office with your support of Validating Section 4 and any testimonials you may have of modern voter disenfranchisement. You may email me at
