Griffin: House Votes to Reverse Obama Administration's Denial of Benefits to Families of Fallen Service Members


Date: Oct. 9, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tim Griffin (AR-02) issued the following statement after House passage of the Honoring the Families of Fallen Soldiers Act (H.J.Res. 91) and the Flight Safety Act (H.J.Res. 90):

"Shutting down the federal government is terrible policy, and I continue to work with both Republicans and Democrats to find a way to open the federal government and ensure the continuation of critical services in the meantime. Nine days ago, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Pay Our Military Act (H.R. 3210), which was clearly intended to protect service members and their families from any effects of a shutdown. The Obama Administration's decision to deny benefits to the families of fallen service members on a technicality is outrageous, and today's bill ensures these families are given the benefits they deserve.

"The Flight Safety Act provides funding for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and enables staff to continue to do their jobs and keep air travel safe."

H.J.Res. 91 provides death gratuity, reimbursement for funeral and burial expenses, payment or reimbursement of funeral travel for the transfer of remains and memorial service, and temporary housing allowance for the families of those who have died on active duty.
