Lujan Grisham Statement on Reduction of Furlough Days for Civilian Defense Employees


Date: Aug. 6, 2013
Location: Albuquerque, NM

U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01), a member of the House Budget Committee, today released the following statement after the Pentagon announced a reduction in the number of furlough days for civilian Department of Defense employees:

"I welcome the Pentagon's announcement that, thanks to cost-saving measures, the number of furlough days imposed on civilian Department of Defense employees has been reduced from eleven to six. But six furlough days is still six days too many.

"While this announcement will provide some relief to the 7,000 civilian defense workers in New Mexico, including 2,000 in the First District, sequestration continues to threaten military readiness, stifle job creation and harm our economy. That's why Congress must work to replace the sequester with a sensible, bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction that restores fiscal discipline and encourages economic growth."
