Issue Position: Stay True to My Family

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Family

I am thankful for my family. Debbie and I have been married since 1979. We enjoy each other and we enjoy our sons, their wives and our grandson.

I grew up loved by wonderful parents that I am blessed to enjoy today.

Family gatherings today with my brothers and sisters and their children and grandchildren are joyous occasions.

My wife's family accepted me into their family and I very fortunate to have a wonderful Mother-in-law and my late Father-in-law was the very best.

The closeness of my wife's brothers and sisters and their children and grandchildren is nothing short of amazing. I cherish being at their regular family gatherings.

With a family like I have, I never want to do anything to embarrass my family or the people in District 11.

This is top priority.
