Issue Position: Defending the Middle Class

Issue Position

We're standing up to Chris Christie's policies that hurt the middle class. It's time to undo the massive tax breaks Christie gave to multi-millionaires. That money is better spent restoring property tax relief, women's health care and education funding.

Homeowners are bearing the brunt of this difficult economy. To ease the burden, we passed the bill that puts a two percent cap on how much property taxes can increase each year. We also voted to expand the senior freeze program to protect seniors. What's next? We'll push to restore $800 million in property tax rebates for seniors and the middle class that were cut by Christie.

We're fighting to make education better, more accessible and more affordable for middle class families. That means capping tuition increases so more families can afford to send their students to state community colleges and universities and reforming teacher tenure to ensure our children have the best educators.
