Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry - Keystone XL Pipeline


Date: March 4, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

Rep. Kristi Noem announced today that she sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry requesting he support immediate approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. Noem's letter was sent in response to the most recent State Department environmental report released Friday, March 1. The report found no major environmental concerns associated with the pipeline's construction, though stopped short of recommending its approval.

"It's been four and a half years since this process started and we have waited long enough," said Rep. Noem. "Middle-class jobs are on the line and those jobs are being held up by politics. If we want to be serious about ensuring our nation's energy security, this project needs to be approved immediately."

The letter states: "Studies thus far, including the most recent report released on Friday, show that the Keystone XL pipeline will have minimal environmental impact and a substantial economic benefit to our country. There are no longer any scientific reasons to reject this energy project. I believe it's time to put middle-class jobs and energy security first. This issue is too important for politics to get in the way."

It continues: "I respectfully request that you act expeditiously to support the approval of this project. If we want to be serious about our nation's energy security, it's imperative that this project be approved immediately so we can get boots on the ground and people back to work."

Full text of the letter is below:

Secretary of State John Kerry

2201 C Street NW

Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Kerry:

On Friday, March 1st, the State Department issued the latest environmental review of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. This report not only raised no major objections to the pipeline, but also notes that the Canadian tar sands are likely to be developed, regardless of whether the United States approves Keystone XL.

It has been four and a half years since the initial application was sent to the State Department. All studies thus far, including the most recent report released on Friday, show that the Keystone XL pipeline will have minimal environmental impact and a substantial economic benefit to our country.

There are no longer any scientific reasons to reject this energy project. I believe it's time to put middle-class jobs and energy security first. This issue is too important for politics to get in the way.

I respectfully request that you act expeditiously to support the approval of this project. If we want to be serious about our nation's energy security, it's imperative that this project be approved immediately so we can get boots on the ground and people back to work.


Kristi Noem

Member of Congress
