Rep. DeSantis Introduces Palestinian Accountability Act


Date: March 21, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) today introduced the Palestinian Accountability Act to withhold foreign aid from the Palestinian Authority until requirements aimed at establishing peace in the Middle East are met.

"The United States must demand accountability from recipients of foreign aid. The Palestinian Authority promotes violence and hatred against Israel; yet we continue to dole out hundreds of millions in foreign aid," said Rep. DeSantis. "This legislation will ensure that we stop rewarding bad behavior, while improving the prospects for a real, lasting peace in the Middle East."

"As Congress works towards balancing our budget and reining in a growing $16.7 trillion dollar debt, we must prioritize our spending. Sending foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority when it refuses to take the most basic steps toward peace is unacceptable and the wrong use of taxpayer money." Rep. DeSantis added.

The Palestinian Accountability Act will withhold foreign aid from the Palestinian Authority until:

It recognizes Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.
Strongly and regularly condemns terrorism, while bringing terrorists to justice.
The Palestinian Authority excludes Hamas from government unless Hamas is publically held to the requirements of this bill.
Furthermore, the Palestinian Accountability Act will withhold funding to the United Nations should the UN recognize a Palestinian state as a Member state, unless the requirements of this bill are met.

Read more about the bill in this Washington Free Beacon article:

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