Lummis Resources Subcommittee Assignments Announced

Press Release

Date: Jan. 28, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

The House Natural Resources Committee released Tuesday subcommittee assignments for the 113th Congress selecting US Representative Cynthia Lummis to serve on the Energy and Mineral Resources, Public Lands and Environment Regulation, and Water and Power subcommittees. Three subcommittee assignments is not typical, but speaks to the Congressman's knowledge and expertise in dealing with these specialized resource issues.

"These subcommittees have an enormous influence on Wyoming," Rep. Lummis said. "So, not surprisingly, I'm very eager to be working on issues that play such an important role in our state as well as the national dialogue of the American energy future."

Energy and Mineral Resources | Chairman Doug Lamborn (R-CO)

With authority over American energy production on federal lands -- both on and offshore -- this subcommittee concentrates on a true "all-of-the-above" energy plan by increasing domestic energy production, expanding American energy jobs and reducing America's reliance on foreign energy. Wyoming is the number two energy producing state in the country, behind only Texas.

Public Lands and Environment Regulation | Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT)

The Subcommittee on Public Land and Environmental Regulation is responsible for the vast network of federally owned lands including national parks and US forests throughout the country. This subcommittee works toward striking a suitable balance for the multiple use, protection and enjoyment of federally owned land. This subcommittee is newly charged with oversight of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA's affects on Wyoming's resource, agriculture, and recreation industries cannot be overstated.

Water and Power | Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA)

Handling issues ranging from irrigation projects to hydropower throughout the country and interstate water rights, the Water and Power subcommittee deals with the contentious battle over our nation's water. The subcommittee has a commitment to clean emissions free hydroelectric power and is working towards more cost manageable, regulation-less water project developments. This subcommittee also has jurisdiction over water use from Wyoming's seven river basins. As a headwaters state, water use and storage is critical to Wyoming's livelihood.

To learn more on the House Natural Resources' Subcommittees please visit:
