Letter to President Obama - Gun Control


U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita today led 42 House colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama vowing to protect Second Amendment rights from federal overreach, and expressing concern that new gun control measures will not prevent future tragedies similar to last month's school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. A copy of the letter is below.

"My colleagues and I are passionately opposed to any measure that would curb our Second Amendment rights. The gun control proposals the president offered last week are a constitutional non-starter, and in fact, would have had zero impact in preventing the tragedy in Newtown.

"The truth is that more gun control laws and regulations cannot stop the kind of evil we saw in Newtown -- only strong communities and families can. We call on the president to lead in addressing the true causes of such violence, and not use this tragedy as an excuse to strip law-abiding citizens of their constitutional right to bear arms," said Rokita.

In the letter, Rokita and his colleagues expressed a desire to protect future generations from gun violence:

"Our hearts go out to the victims of the tragedy in Newtown, as well as their families. Many of us are fathers and mothers ourselves, and the thought of losing children under such horrific circumstances is unimaginable. However, we do not believe that stricter gun control legislation is the answer to protecting our future generation," the House members wrote.

Rokita was joined on the letter by fellow Indiana Reps. Marlin Stutzman and Luke Messer. The full list of House members who signed the bill is below:

Todd Rokita
Trent Franks
Steve Chabot
David McKinley
Gregg Harper
Ted Yoho
John Culberson
Adam Kinzinger
Kevin Brady
Charles Boustany
David "Phil" Roe
Lynn Westmoreland
Marsha Blackburn
Steve Scalise
Ted Poe
Luke Messer
Cynthia Lummis
Steve Southerland
Alan Nunnelee
Joe Barton
Jeff Miller
John Fleming
Tom Cole
Markwayne Mullin
Steve Stockman
Mike Pompeo
Stephen Fincher
Paul Broun
Walter Jones
Kerry Bentivolio
Chuck Fleischmann
Marlin Stutzman
Randy Neugebauer
Rob Bishop
Austin Scott
Sam Graves
Candice Miller
Blake Farenthold
Raul Labrador
Mick Mulvaney
Jim Jordan
Steve Pearce
Phil Gingrey
