Rokita: Obama Gun Control Proposals are "Radical Overreach"


Date: Jan. 16, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita today released the following statement in response to the gun control agenda announced by the Obama administration:

"President Obama's gun control proposals are a radical overreach by a power-hungry executive branch that is committed to restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, without any concern for either the constitution or how this plan would actually work in the real world.

"More laws and regulations will not and cannot stop evil -- only strong families and communities can. Instead of focusing on the real reasons for criminal and violent activity, the White House wants to restrict the rights of conscientious, patriotic and responsible gun owners who, quite often, deter violent criminals. I will pursue each and every constitutionally-available means to stop new gun control measures from taking effect and will help lead the conversation in the halls of Congress, where such debates ought to be held, on what should be done to protect our communities and our Constitution," said Rokita.
