S.W.I.P.E. Out Hunger


Date: Oct. 30, 2012

On Sunday afternoon, I had the opportunity to participate in the SWIPE Out Hunger event in Manhattan, sponsored by K-State and Numana, Inc. of El Dorado. Volunteers from the College of Agriculture and K-State raised tens of thousands of dollars, and together we bagged more than 100,000 packages of food to feed several hundred thousand hungry people.

I am Co-chair of the Senate Hunger Caucus and this year, I introduced an amendment in the farm bill to set aside funds for development aid programs that reduce hunger in poor, crisis-prone communities and help people provide food for themselves and their families on a long-term basis. Organizations like Numana, Inc. work tirelessly to eliminate malnutrition worldwide and I appreciate their hard work. All of the food we packaged will be sent through the Salvation Army World Service Office to the Horn of Africa to assist in the famine.

Last year was the first year SWIPE was held, marking the first ever state-wide packaging event held in Kansas. Congratulations to K-State students for working to make a difference in a hungry world. And thanks to my friend Don Boggs for inviting me to attend.
