Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As the husband of a public school teacher, I understand all too well the incredible burdens placed on our educators by bureaucrats. I believe our public education system is top-heavy, with too many districts and too many administrators. We must treat our teachers as professionals and insist that at least 65% of all education dollars are used in the classroom. Thankfully, Arizona is leading the nation in school choice options. When a school is failing a child, Arizona parents are able to take advantage of open-enrollment, excellent charter schools, or a tuition tax credit program to enroll their child in a private school. In 2011 our legislature passed the first-in-the-nation Empowerment Scholarship Account. Similar to a Health Savings Account, now parents of children with disabilities are able to choose schools that are best equipped to meet their child's needs. As your representative, I would insist on higher standards for our traditional public schools and also continue to expand the school choice options Arizona families currently enjoy.
