Issue Position: Social Security and Medicare

Issue Position

* In Kansas we reward responsibility, not recklessness. I oppose privatizing Social Security and turning seniors' hard-earned money over to Wall Street. Social Security's problems can be fixed with minor tweaks. At the very least, we must stop borrowing from Social Security to pay for government boondoggles.

* I oppose turning Medicare into Vouchercare, where seniors would be given vouchers to pay for health insurance. Under the rules proposed in the Ryan Budget, those vouchers would be so limited that they would not keep up with inflation. In April 2011, Congresswoman Jenkins voted for this plan, which would saddle about 530,000 people aged 54 and younger in the 2nd District with Vouchercare and increase their out-of-pocket expenses. People aged 44 to 54 would eventually end up paying over $6,000 more a year for their healthcare.
