Issue Position: Talk Straight with Seniors

Issue Position

* The first thing we have to do is recognize that we stand on the shoulders of the generation before us. We must stop playing the politics of fear. Congresswoman Jenkins would have seniors believe we must destroy Medicare in order to save it. By endorsing the original Ryan Budget bill, Jenkins voted to transform Medicare into an inadequate voucher program. Turning Medicare into a coupon book won't provide seniors with the health care they need. We must find an approach to our fiscal challenges that both balances the budget and preserves Medicare. This won't be easy, but we can succeed if we ignore politics and work for a real solution.

* Privatizing Social Security and turning the hard-earned savings of Americans over to Wall Street will only hurt seniors, and it isn't even necessary. Social Security's problems can be fixed with minor tweaks. At the very least, we must stop borrowing from Social Security to pay for government boondoggles.
