Issue Position: Pro-Israel Stand

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Foreign Affairs

"In the 1990s as an Air Force pilot with a master's degree in National Security Studies, I flew into Tel Aviv numerous times and toured the Holy Land. The U.S.-Israeli alliance must be front-and-center in U.S. foreign policy. It is in our strategic national interest and is the moral and right thing to do.

Jews are Israel's original native inhabitants and composed its majority from 1250 BCE to 200 CE. The land belonged to the Jews originally and was stolen by the Arabs. Iran's maniacal hatred of Israel is based on religion. Adjusting Israeli boundaries will not satisfy Iran.

Arab states attacked Israel repeatedly far before the PLO existed. Syria has never recognized the right of Jews to have their own state of Israel. There has never been a "peace process" for Israel, only a "giveaway-of-Israeli-land process."

After World War II, a peace treaty was signed in days. Why does it take over 30 years for Israeli peace to be negotiated? Answer: Peace is not the Arabs' priority. The gradual wearing-down and annihilation of Israel is.

The U.S. needs to step up and lead, see through the media's conventional wisdom, reject moral equivalence and do whatever it takes to bolsterIsrael and support her. If we do not, the world will pay a price too staggering to contemplate, because those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."
