Issue Position: Gas Pipeline

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Oil and Gas

Constructing a pipeline to bring Alaska's natural gas to market has long been a priority of the state. Not only would a gasline create thousands of high-paying jobs, it would also generate significant state revenue for decades to come. Despite numerous attempts over the last three decades, Alaska has yet to secure the construction of a large-diameter natural gas pipeline.

Construction of a gasline will be a market-driven decision requiring a suitable market, agreement between major oil and gas producers, and the commitment of a pipeline company to build and operate one of the largest projects in North America's history.

The State Legislature's role in this or any gasline project will be two-fold: (1) to minimize regulatory hurdles while ensuring responsible development, and (2) to craft a natural gas tax policy that encourages the development of a gasline while guaranteeing that Alaskans get maximum value for their resource. I will continue to work to ensure that the state operates within these guidelines and that it doesn't give away the bank in its eagerness to secure a major gasline project. Changes in the market for natural gas require Alaska to be vigilant in adapting to new opportunities including in-state and export.
