Issue Position: Job Creation

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

When Illinois lawmakers increased the personal income tax rate to 5 percent last year, they gave it an expiration date -- 2015.I believe that both state and local governments should play a strong role in promoting economic development and job creation. Some ways to do this include providing tax credits and incentives to businesses that hire more employees and by making sure our tax code does not put too large of a burden on Illinois employers. At the state level, I support extending the state's research and development tax credit and the net operating loss deduction. Here in Aurora we have provided incentives to companies like Peerless Inc, the Premium Outlet Mall and FHP-Berger in order for them to relocate here. We also provided incentives for the expansion of the Central DuPage Hospital.

In light of recent tax breaks for large corporations, I believe the state needs to refocus on helping small businesses. The 84th District contains a large number of small businesses, many of which are struggling through the recession. We need to do more to help these companies, because the jobs they provide are just as valuable as the jobs that larger businesses provide. I believe the state should provide tax cuts specifically to small businesses targeted at helping them expand and create additional jobs.

At the same time I think we need to stop corporations from holding the state hostage, being given large tax breaks and then closing stores and eliminating jobs. I will fight for stronger laws that require businesses that eliminate or move jobs out of state to refund the breaks they received. We have similar requirements in local agreements Aurora has made to attract businesses, and I would like to see the state take a tougher stance as well.
