Issue Position: Opportunity and Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Affordable, high quality college access at the UCs, CSUs and community colleges and opportunities for job retraining must be a priority for California. To strengthen these systems and restore the promise of California's Master Plan for Higher Education we need to undertake the hard work of reforming our State's budget and ensuring that executive pay and benefits are appropriate and that we have participation from all Californians, including reform of Proposition 13's protections for large commercial properties. Leveraging the presence of federal labs and restoring basic research at the UCs will benefit jobs, business growth and community health. We must also work with our federal delegation to ensure that highly credentialed students trained in California have a pathway to stay in California and contribute to our State's future economic success.

Growing business in California requires that we focus on incentives for advanced manufacturing and clean technologies. The Legislature must do a better job of providing oversight and accountability for billions in tax credit expenditures to ensure that credits are going to entities that are producing the jobs of the future--here in California. We can give support and confidence to businesses of all sizes in California by ensuring effective transit, excellent education, a clean environment and by increasing the quality of our agencies' response when problem-solving is needed.
