Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Two years ago, our nation and our Constitution were dealt a terrible blow when Barack Obama signed his "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act". Arizona's Republican Party recently called ObamaCare, "…the most intrusive, most costly, freedom crushing entitlement program in our country's history." I could not agree more. It will grow government into a massive uncontrolled bureaucracy. In fact, did you know that the federal government will have to hire more than 17,000 IRS agents just to enforce the law? I don't want any government bureaucrat making healthcare decisions for myself or my family. I was a supporter of Proposition 106, the HealthCare Freedom Act and I oppose the imposition of an ObamaCare exchange in Arizona. Further, I will stand with our conservative champions in the legislature to ensure we do all we can to prevent this disastrous mandate from taking effect in Arizona.
