Issue Position: Free Enterprise and Business

Issue Position

I am a free-enterprise, market-driven capitalist. Private companies, big and small, cannot be regulated and taxed with ever-increasing intensity without the inevitable consequences that follow: increased prices, reduced wages, and, worst of all, job losses. It astounds me how quick some are to use rhetoric like "big corporations" to demonize those entities that provide jobs. That kind of one-dimensional thinking does more harm than good. Do those who apply such tactics and use the popular "anti-business" sound bites not realize that the real casualties of their efforts are those they purport to help? The best leverage an employer has is in providing a job and paying a wage. The best leverage an employee has is in their skill set and job performance. The two balance each other out. You cannot artificially tip the scale in favor of one side or the other and expect the system to work as well as it would if left untouched, even if your intensions are good. Reducing the regulatory burden on Arizona businesses will help create jobs.

"What makes for freedom -- political, intellectual and religious as well as economic -- is not government intervention, but the market economy;" "All those evils which the interventionists charge to the market economy are the products of allegedly beneficial interference." -- Ludwig von Mises

"Remember, always and everywhere has government existed; a pure market economy has never been. Yet, the latter is incessantly blamed for problems the former caused, and the result is a call for more intervention." -- Milton Friedman

"The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan
