Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Education

Having been a teacher and as a youth pastor, I firmly believe that parents know best and should have the freedom to decide what kind of education they want for their children. Unfortunately, in too many cases our public school system is failing our children. Whether it is a lack of true competition, or because of waste in a system that spends less than 60% of every dollar in the classroom, we must fix this problem. We are blessed in Arizona to have many options for parents including tax credit programs, open-enrollment, homeschooling, charter schools and Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. I will continue to fight the politicians and their bureaucratic allies who put unions and administrators ahead of students. In addition, we need to better support our teachers, by rewarding good teachers with merit bonuses, and by creating alternate pathways to get highly educated professionals into the classroom, particularly in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. And let's start treating our educators like the true professionals they are.
