Issue Position: I Believe... Child

Issue Position

By: Deb Kiel
By: Deb Kiel
Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I Believe...

… Every life is important and we should protect our unborn children, the elderly and the vulnerable from beginning to end of life.

that respect, innate value and human dignity are rock-solid principles, which in turn, produce genuine concern and caring; they serve as guides for behavior and response, and they reflect on us, both as individuals and as a civilized society. Dignity is self-worth and the government should not be defining that value. I believe that life is a gift, given to us by God. Every life is important and has value, and we must be diligent in protecting the elderly, the vulnerable and our unborn children.

It is imperative that we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, and offer help to individuals and families who face difficult situations with an illness, health issue.......or in pregnancy, the mother and child.

However, caring for and comforting those in need goes beyond the limited resources and bureaucracy of government. Through many personal experiences in my own life, I have discovered that loved ones, family members, neighbors and church support provide essential care that is specialized and unique. While at times not easy to deal with, these trying situations provide us with an opportunity, an opportunity to demonstrate how we as individuals and as a society cherish and respect life in the face of adversity.

With thoughtful consideration and the respect that I have for the dignity and value of human life, as your state representative, I will work to achieve and provide the support and protections that these precious lives deserve. This is a commitment to you, which will not be sacrificed for political gain, or political correctness.

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

United States Declaration of Independence
